Confluences and Divergences, UC Irvine, Irvine CA (Oct 10, 2019)

I’ll be serving a emcee for Confluences and Divergences, the keynote performance for the “Interrogating South Asia” conference at UC Irvine. Confluences and Divergence includes a retrospective of Post Natyam Collective’s dance-for-camera pieces and elements from the performance installation Back to the Beautiful designed by Sandra Chatterjee and myself. It features a live solo performance RISE by Shyamala Moorty, which I was delighted to direct. In RISE, a South Asian American woman transforms into a fierce household goddess wielding a plunger as her only weapon. The event will culminate in a participatory dialogue.

Thursday, October 10, 7-8:30 p.m.

The Little Theatre, UC Irvine


Border Sawal Jawab (2017)
rapture/rupture (2013)
darshan (2009)
You Ain’t Never Gonna Get Me Down (2010)