scores for chronically ill bodies

These two poems are composed of the titles of movement scores developed for chronically ill bodies. Click on a line of the poem, and it will link to the corresponding score. These scores are playful invitations to engage in loving listening and experimental dialogue with your body. They are survival strategies, rituals for healing, playgrounds for safer embodied exploration. Please modify, adjust, or reject these scores as makes sense for your body-mind at any particular moment. Most of all, you are warmly invited to create your own scores.

the syllabus of the body

consider the weight of objects

build an altar to your healing

somatic snail, open your body to the sun

microbursts –

align the body to noise

a ritual of letting go:

inbreath o u  t   b   r   e  a  t h

dance of the slowed down heart

find rest now, and now, and now


naked self be held


a love letter to your nervous system

feelings are flowers

      rest in longing

burrow into darkness

send your blood back to the heart


rumpled velvet

a loving hand

skin and surface

moss time                                    crip time

cellular joy

rapture/rupture (2013)
Dances in the Age of Coronavirus (2020)
Mixing Waters (2017-9)
Border Sawal Jawab (2017)