rubix (2012)

Both playful and abstract, this quartet investigates resonances between Indian classical dance’s spatial geometry and ang (lines of the body) with improvisational structures drawn from American postmodern dance.  rubix is compositionally inspired by Carol McDowell’s surrender (2009), based on Trisha Brown’s Locus (1975) and Barbara Dilley’s grid score, as well as Richard Schechner’s Rasaboxes.

Choreographic direction: Cynthia Ling Lee
Movement and improvisational performance: Yoshi Jacobsen, Shahrin Johry, Sheridan Newman, and Melody Tee
Music: “Double Music” by John Cage and Lou Harrison; “First Interlude,” “Second Interlude,” and “Third Interlude” from John Cage’s Prepared Piano Sonatas
Commissioned by Maya Dance Theatre (Singapore).
Special thanks to Carol McDowell, the Desijam Collective, Khanhsong Nguyen, Jazmyne Koch, Rebecca Van Dover and Hillary Pokrywka.


Cynthia lies cradled in a mossy redwood stump, eyes closed with a smile, hand touching her chin in a delicate, sensual gesture.
moss time, crip time (2024)
Crip Care Cards (2022-2024)
Counting the Moons (2006)
blood run (2016)