Meet me here, now – I’ll bring my then and there… (2007)

An improvisational text-movement duet performed with José Reynoso.  This piece investigates how two people with different cultural histories (a Taiwanese-American and a Mexican immigrant) can connect, collide, and listen to each other in the moment of improvisation. Includes audience participation.

direction: Cynthia Ling Lee
performance: Cynthia Ling Lee and José Reynoso

Based on the text-movement improvisation structures of Simone Forti.  Accompanied by an artbook of writings and photographs from the rehearsal process, designed by visual artist Cristina Rosa.

Super Ruwaxi: Origins (2014)
Dances in the Age of Coronavirus (2020)
blood run film (2015)
Part Thief, Part Disciple (2010)