“Lost Chinatowns” at Gutsy Series, Berkeley CA (11 Dec 2016)

I performed material from my project, “Lost Chinatowns,” at the Gutsy Series: Sunday Supper in Berkeley.  “Lost Chinatowns” explores the destruction and historical erasure of Santa Cruz’s Chinatowns from 1860-1955.  In the performance, I build and dismantle sculptural abstractions of each of Santa Cruz’s five Chinatowns, incorporating archival visual materials such as photographs, newspaper clippings, and maps.

Curated by Melissa Hudson Bell, the Gutsy Series investigates what happens when people gather to share food and dance performance in salon-style settings.  This installation of the series features movement studies ruminating on notions of legacy and home, and an Italian family-style Sunday supper – all presented in a private residence in the Berkeley Hills.  Other dancer-choreographers presenting work included Adanna Kai Jones, Bhumi B. Patel, Céline Parker, Melissa Hudson Bell, and Melissa Templeton.  Food was prepared by Napa Valley chef, Gina Hudson, in collaboration with the guests, and all were invited to sup together following the performance.

Tickets: $20-$50

Reservations: https://thegutsyseriessupper.eventbrite.com/

a.p.a.r.t. (2017)
Nine-Patch (2009)
What’s Your Stereotype? (2011)
dreaming in taal (2009)