darshan (2009)

The term “darshan” refers to a fluid, tactile, and reciprocal mode of seeing: an exchange of gazes that transforms both the looker and the looked at. Taking place in an outdoor natural setting, this site-specific installation and performance explores ways to restage the encounter between performer and audience. The work draws on source material ranging from butoh, the orixás of the Afro-Brazilian religion of Candomblé, and Indian classical abhinaya, or emotional expression.  To find out more, see the artbook documenting the performance.

concept and direction: Cynthia Ling Lee
music composition and performance: Lenny Seidman
movement performance: Liza Clark, Cynthia Ling Lee, and Rebecca Patek

The development of darshan was supported by a Swarthmore Project Residency.

blood run film (2015)
Part Thief, Part Disciple (2010)
Border Sawal Jawab (2017)
s k i n (2010)