Crip Care Cards (2022-2024)

The Crip Care Cards are an ongoing social practice mail art project that centers art as care-work. If you would like a reminder to practice self-care, reach out to me, and we will craft a message specific to your needs. Afterwards, I will paint a custom watercolor postcard and mail it to you as a gift. Each postcard also contains a tiny self-care manifesto, which critiques neoliberal appropriations of self-care and situates caring for oneself in relation to the radical legacy of Black sick and disabled feminists such as Audre Lorde and Sami Schalk. You do not have to identify as crip to receive a postcard, though I take especial delight in making these for my disabled and chronically ill community.




darshan (2009)
Crip Care Cards (2022-2024)
Cyber Chat Series (2009-2013)
Super Ruwaxi: Origins (2014)