Borders Resurfacing Workshop at PSi, Hamburg Germany (9 Jun 2017)

I co-facilitated a workshop, “Borders Resurfacing,” with fellow Post Natyam Collective member, Sandra Chatterjee, at the Performance Studies International Conference in Hamburg.

Flows of people and cultures come to an abrupt halt as borders suddenly reemerge all over the world. Borders reappear between countries within the EU.  Borders harden between people, communities, and assigned identities. Anxieties rise in response to perceptions of overflowing and seemingly uncontainable borders.

Our workshop will combine presentation of materials produced during our long-distance research project and creative prompts that ask each of the participants to ruminate on their own personal as well as current political and discursive relationships to borders, mobilities, and flows through movement, writing, and other media.

June 9, 2017, 13:45-15:15

5th Floor, Kampnagel


the sins of such wonderful flesh (2019)
Nine-Patch (2009)
Mixing Waters (2017-9)
Cyber Chat Series (2009-2013)