Back to the Beautiful: San Lorenzo/Angel Island (2018)

This interactive installation is an iteration of Back to the Beautiful, a site-adaptive work about water, borders, and memory that I created with Sandra Chatterjee.  Audiences move through an interactive installation that includes texts, video, and direct contact with water through ritual hand-washing and bottling of river and ocean water.  The version that I adapted for Lost Chinatowns centered the history of Chinese migration to California, focusing on the San Lorenzo River as well as the waters surrounding Angel Island Immigration Station.

Concept and Creation: Sandra Chatterjee and Cynthia Ling Lee with long distance contributions from Shyamala Moorty and Meena Murugesan

Interaction and Performance: Cynthia Ling Lee

Sound Design: Anna Friz

Videography: Sandra Chatterjee, Cynthia Ling Lee, Meena Murugesan

Dramaturgy: Scott Trafton

Back to the Beautiful was developed in part through Borders Resurfacing, a long distance creative exchange on bodies, borders and migration by the Post Natyam Collective.  Back to the Beautiful (San Lorenzo) was supported by 3Girls Theatre Company, San Francisco, California and a Hellman Fellowship.

weaving waters: my dirt and yours (2019)
blood run (2016)
rapture/rupture (2013)
rubix (2012)