Saalach | San Lorenzo (or Two Rivers, Two Continents) (2017)

choreography, performance, and camerawork: Sandra Chatterjee and Cynthia Ling Lee
text and sound design: Cynthia Ling Lee
video editing: Cynthia Ling Lee in dialogue with Sandra Chatterjee

This split-screen dance-for-camera work abstractly evokes the stories of two rivers, the Saalach and the San Lorenzo, ruminating on the natural beauty, bodies, and border histories of migration associated with the two bodies of water. The Saalach forms the national border dividing Germany and Austria, while the San Lorenzo flows through Santa Cruz, California. This work was developed through Borders Resurfacing, a long distance artistic exchange on bodies, borders, and migration by the Post Natyam Collective.

darshan (2009)
Learning to Walk Like Radha (2011)
Lost Chinatowns (ensemble) (2018)
Back to the Beautiful: San Lorenzo/Angel Island (2018)